Expect the Unexpected

Hi, Boomers,

I’m excited today. In fact, I’ve been excited all week. I feel like I’m high all the time because adrenalin has been surging through my body with more than its usual speed. It was a good work week, teaching yoga every day – getting back to what I love doing. After experiencing the spiritual connection to Bali, it was a great feeling to connect my mind and body and breath in movement and intention. I also worked daily on marketing plans for my book, which was like another full time job. I even made time to dance tango on Wednesday night at one of my favorite venues – El Floridita on Vine and Fountain.
I was only away about 9 days but it felt like I was away a month. I guess that’s a good sign that my vacation was terrific. And I’m still carrying Bali around in my heart, in my head, and in my future.
Okay, I won’t beat around the bush. I’m having my first book signing tonight at my Saturday night milonga – the place where I regularly dance tango. It’s actually called The Tango Room and we just celebrated our ninth anniversary at that particular studio.
I don’t know what to expect from a book signing. But I’m just going with the flow and having a good time. Invitations were sent out and plans have been made to celebrate all 60 year old women in our tango community. It’s free to all of us who have reached the 60th decade. A milestone for sure, and yet, we are all really very young at 60 it seems to me.
My book, Sixty, Sex, & Tango, Confessions of a Beatnik Boomer (still shamlessly plugging, aren’t I), deals with turning 60. One day, right in the middle of being 60, I startled myself by consciously recognizing that I had turned 64. It was just a number to me. Nothing more than a number. I felt like I was 19; I acted like I was 19, and I moved like I was 19. In fact, I didn’t move as good at 19. I like to think that living with joy, with yoga, with dancing tango has lead me into surrender and acceptance of living gracefully in my 60’s. I’m now two years older than when I started writing the book and I feel younger. I feel like Benjamin Button decreasing in age. Maybe I’ll die looking like a baby.
So tonight I celebrate many gifts I have been given: my family – sons and daughters in law and brother and sister in law and adorable nephew, my grandchildren – all five of them – my wonderful, loving friends, the tango and the pleasure and happiness that the dance has brought into my life, the ability to actually write a memoir about living joyously with gratitude and love.
I reflected today that I never had a vision about a book signing in my future. I just wrote daily for a year and a half joyfully. Sometimes I got so high on life that I wanted to scream. And sometimes I did just that. I screamed. Strange to me that I didn’t have a vision of an outcome sometime in the future. It was just about the process, the journey that was a kick. So today I am surprised and I am grateful. And I wanted to share that with you.

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