Hi, Boomers,
Every once in a while magic happens. The right thing happens. The perfect thing happens. Well, nothing is perfect but what happened in my world was nearly perfect. And it was thrilling.
I made a match between a man and a woman over a year ago. Both are my yoga students. Both are scientists. Both seemed somehow alike in their demeanor, looks and sound family values. One night after my 5:30 yoga class in the Public Health Department building on UCLA campus, about 7 of us went out for a beer. You’re probably thinking: that’s an oxymoron if there ever was one. Beer and yoga? Why not? We had become very good friends. This was a group of post doctoral candidates all doing scientific research. The quiet one, Brian, came along and joined us. He was very shy so I asked him a question: are you dating anyone? He shook his head. I asked “why” and he said he didn’t know anyone. A campus of 80,000 students and he didn’t know anyone but the mice in his lab.
Liz, the Brit and one of the brightest and coolest ladies I have ever met, told me not to bother with Brian and girls. He walked around with his head down. Wasn’t interested. “But if he were to date, it would have to be a scientist. He said that once.” That was enough information for me.
On day after my yoga class in the California NanoSystems Institute on campus, I found myself walking out of the building with Abby. She was a lively, bright, happy young lady who was was getting her doctorate in some esoteric science and also teaching math at Cal Luthern College. She was so vivacious that I asked her if she had a boyfriend because she seemed like a women in love. “Oh, no,” she blurted out in a high pitch voice,” I can’t find anyone around this campus to date. I’m about ready to sign up on E-Harmony!”
“Really,” I replied without enthusiasm. “It seems in time you might meet a guy on campus and build an organic relationship.”
“Can’t find anyone,” she replied staunchly. “Really, Joan, you don’t know how it is out there in the world of being single.”
“Oh, yes, I do, Abby. I’ve been single for years. Of course, now I’ve given up on it all.”
“What about E-Harmony?” she asked.
“Did it. And Match and JDate and Yahoo. It’s too much work for me now. Over it. Too old. Not interested.” Of course, that was then; now is now and someone made a match with me. But let’s not get ahead of myself.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea,” I shot out. “I have a yoga student in my M/W 5:30. I think you two would hit it off. You are both scientists and adorable. He’s shy, I have to warn you, but maybe he’ll meet you.”
“If he’s interested, have him Facebook me. We’ll meet there.”
“No coffee. No drink. No beer with our group.”
“I’m busy at that time. Tell him to Facebook me. Then we’ll see.” Hard core. I would met him at the nearest bar in 30 minutes.
It took forever for these two to meet up after they introduced each other on Facebook, but they were texting and emailing and talking right after that. I guess it was three weeks later they met at Starbucks and love was in the air. So much for shyness. It was a go from the beginning. Sparks flew and a little more than a year later, they were married. It was a done deal after she visited his family in March of this year. He had already met the parents and they loved shy Brian. Her dad was really happy she found someone.

The wedding was an amazing moment for both families. Abby asked me to speak at the wedding and tell their story from the matchmaker’s point of view. I sang a few bars from the matchmaker song from “Fiddler On The Roof.” Brian’s father couldn’t stop hugging me because Brian was so shy in school, he didn’t date or talk to girls. He couldn’t believe I thought that Abby would be a match for him and he was very pleased with my selection. I thought I might have another calling in life.
After meeting not just the wonderful, warm, and inviting parents but also the extended families, I knew why they were a match made in heaven. There are not enough adjectives to express how solid, expressive, honest, embracing and thousands more words that express how connected these families are and how they are now lifelong friends.
I ask myself: Did I really make a match? Was that me? Or divine providence, the universe, karma, harmonious transaction? Maybe it was all of that but maybe I just fulfilled two people’s dreams of love and marriage. Maybe it was just fate.