Women Obsessed


Women Obsessed hangs on the premise of a question: What would happen if you are confronted with your deepest fears and your darkest desires.

Janet Bodine and Whitney Howard do just that – venture into the world of erotic fantasy where anything is possible. Janet and Whitney are professional women, wives of well-respected highly successful husbands who live, work, and play in an upscale city adjacent to San Francisco. When Janet and Whitney first meet at a party one evening, they realize their destinies will be forever changed. 

Women Obsessed draws the reader into the dangerous world of the erotic underground, exploring the very unthinkable possibilities lurking in the deep recesses of the subconscious mind. In this morality story, Janet and Whitney learn about sadomasochism, buying men, and understanding the complex relationship between power, control, and sex.

As the balance of their lives collapses, both women obsessively cross the line of moral ambiguity and delve into the darkness on the other side of the moon from which they cannot turn back.