Hi, Boomers,
Who blogs about a city? I do. I just came back from Austin, Texas, and fell in love. This is a city known for its orgasmic musical scene, it’s South by Southwest music and film festival, its friendliness, it’s tattoo fixation, its fabulous food and margaritas, its hipster vibe and its greenery and parks and a beautiful river that runs through it. Besides, my son and 2 grandchildren just moved there. OMG I’m in heaven. And I danced every night that I was there. Well, almost. I did some babysitting.
I went to Austin for three reasons: to see my family, to give a speech at a breakout session for the Texas Women In Business Beyond50 Conference and to hang with one of my very best friends, a tango friend, whose mission was to make me fall in love with Austin and move there.
My family is settling in very well. I went with my grandson and son to his first day of school. He was adorable. I’m at peace that my family will be very happy in Austin. The Texas Women In Business conference was awesome. I met the most amazing women in the Austin business community, strong, affirmative, loving and very intelligent. I couldn’t imagined a more gracious welcome. I was so fortunate to be chosen to speak and I have so much gratitude for their faith in my ability to motivate and inspire. One of the women wrote a testimonial for me:
“I randomly chose Joan Moran’s breakout session while attending a conference. I was also a presenter at the event and wanted to hear a talk by someone who I hadn’t heard of before. Two friends and I chose Joans’ session on a whim. We felt so blessed and inspired by this serendipitous experience. Joan is passionate, spunky, wholehearted, and full of great advice and stories for anyone who wants to live and age with grace, passion, and joy.” — Patti DeNucci, speaker author of The Intentional Networker: Attracting Powerful Relationships, Referrals & Results in Business
I could only be thrilled with such a response. And this woman, Patti DeNucci is a graceful and brilliant women who is a star speaker and author.
Now let’s get to my friend, Marc, and his mission. Marc is one of the most generous and supportive men I know. His generosity and willingness to show me Austin in all its glory was inspiring. He showed me every neighborhood, every great restaurant, every great dance and music venue and gave me a new perspective on my life’s journey. Despite the summer humidity and heat, Austin shows off as a city of openness that is inclusive of all people. Yes, I’m considering moving to Austin. It only took a day.

I returned to my yoga teaching schedule at UCLA with a little pain in my heart because I was missing Austin. I had to stand on my head for at least five minutes before class to find my groove in LA.