Hi, Boomers,
It’s been a surreal week. I haven’t been able to blog because my mind of all over the place. I started my full yoga schedule this week at UCLA, adding my classes at the Wooden Center – 2 classes back to back totaling close to three hours more yoga teaching twice a week. Since these classes are held at the end of an already long day, I limp home, try to eat, review emails and go to bed to read and fall asleep instantly.
Monday I had my book signing at the Village Bookstore in the Palisades. I rehearsed my reading all weekend and then on Monday morning, I decided I wanted to read something else from my book. I was sitting in my car rehearsing between classes and never did figure out how I was going to pull it off. And who was going to attend and what the response would be. I sat in my car before going into the bookstore reviewing my reading and finally closed the book and gave it up to the universe.
Over thirty people showed up and those wonderful men and women were full of love and support. It was a completely fun evening. Some bought books, some had books already and everyone was chattering away. I saw old friends – really old friends from my past. There are important people to me and I felt completely blessed. And my new friends and supporters were also milling around and meeting and greeting everyone. Two of my new friends were so very helpful to me: David videoed me for You Tube and Marina, my adorable, brilliant new friend put the clips up on my Facebook page. And my oldest friend from college showed up and I hadn’t seen him in decades. We were the essence of Berkeley in the 60’s. That was the biggest treat of all. We went for drinks afterward and talked non stop. It was a profound moment when we remembered our being together with the law school gang and my ex husband the day Kennedy was shot.
I know I’ve said it before but I never had any expectations about writing SIXTY, SEX, & TANGO. I was just expressing an honest tale about getting older, living well in my sixties, forging new relationships, having new experiences, and seeing what comes up.
I have never been much of a career planner. Things kind of just happened to me. I am never afraid to go where I have not been. I’m not resistant to many things in life, including falling in love, even if those I have fallen in love with aren’t great mates for me. I don’t have a lot of fears or anxieties, except maybe about not having money to live. But that has kind of worked out for me, too, although I never made much – just enough.
I’m also feeling better about being single lately. I used to fret and worry about finding that man who would embrace me. Yet, I’m just find I’m just embracing myself and dancing as fast as I can.
I’m off to Portland to dance tango tomorrow. It’s one of my very favorite places to go to dance tango. I meet up with old friends and meet new ones. I hear tango music for 2 days straight and never tire of the joy I find in being part of a very unique community of men and women who are passionate about what is also my true passion.
Life’s been crazy but it’s been a good week. I have gratitude for all my blessings.