Harlan’s Harley: The Bliss of a Bike

Hi, Boomers,

I’m working on my new highlight video for my website.  Instead of having two of my speeches in full length on my video page, my wonderful new consultant, Joella Hopkins, urged me to make a highlight reel.  Sounded all really simple until we started it several weeks ago.  Not that simple.   In fact, my partner in video hell are on our third weekend.  It seems that the iMovie (HD) is really not user friendly.  We re-shot the intros to the sections of my speech and we are finding no way to slip them in to the body of the bloody reel.  Back to the camera chips and pulling them off for the third time.  I’m tearing my hair out as I write.  I need a shower and a week’s vacation.

Another take on Harlan’s Harley today and that was the most fun.  I have always loved motorcycles.   The day I met my husband to be on the Berkeley campus in 1963 he rode up on a Norton bike.  That was it.  I married him 9 months later.  Didn’t take much for me to fall in love.  So being on the Harley brought back happy moments.  One of my other boyfriends during the later decades also had a bike but I can’t remember what it was.  Strange because we rode everywhere together around LA on that bike, including up to the Greek Theater.  The bliss of a bike

We are still in the production studio trying to assemble a re-do and it’s late.  In fact, so late that I can’t keep my eyes open.  I will be so very happy when it’s over and it won’t be over until tomorrow, Sunday, my day of rest and relaxation.  I haven’t seen one of those days in months.

I’m speaking at the City of Hope on Friday and amassing my lesson plan on creativity.  At least there is some work being accomplished.

I’m so very happy, however, that I now have Joella on my team to help me with my social networking.  In celebration, I think I’m going to take Harlan’s Harley for a ride.





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