Autumn: Practicing Balance

As published in Sixty and Me, October, 2016

Autumn has arrived. This is my favorite season because it is about practicing balance. It’s about making an assessment about where you are on your life’s path. Autumn is about new beginnings.

Autumn is a time of questioning and a time of answering the unresolved. I always ask myself, “How are you feeling, Joan Frances? What’s the latest in the land of Joanie Moran?”

I’m feeling hopeful that my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual temperature is on track to experience joy, peace and fulfillment.

Welcoming the Changes of Autumn

Autumn is also a time of changing weather – it’s a snap – as my father used to say when the mornings got cooler and the nights suddenly required that extra blanket on the bed. There is a sense of excitement as football reemerges as the national pastime. I look forward to the quarterback’s first snap in August. I passionately love football!

We eat comfort food again after a long, hot summer of cold food. And, of course, there are the month-long festivities before Halloween when everyone gets into the decorating mode and the sugar comes out of the pantry so you can make your favorite cookie, cupcake or brownie.

Although Boomers may be in the midst of the empty nest syndrome, or have reached grandparent status, autumn is the perfect season for everyone. You are perhaps changing habits and lifestyles, moving locations, traveling regularly or driving the RV through national parks. And all of these changes in life present new opportunities and exciting connections.

As you know, opportunities create awesome challenges while exciting your sensibilities and fostering your curiosity. Life is always in flux so be prepared to embrace the unknown and be delighted.

Practicing Balance

Lucky is the person who is born under the sign of Libra – the end of September through the first three weeks of October. You are a person who is all about balance. You approach balance with balance. Yet, others may not have strong criteria by which to judge balance in work and life. And if you are one of the retired, balance flexes its muscles no matter how you choose to live your Act 3.

Let’s take a page out of the Libra horoscope and consider striking a more mindful balance for the autumn season; perhaps, balance will guide you into the Thanksgiving holidays and on into December and the winter season.

Here Are a Few Ideas to Get You Started

Learn the power of saying no and the joys of moving forward with yes. Be more mindful of time. Give yourself plenty of time for tasks and plenty of time to take care of your own personal needs.

Leave work at work. Don’t be a slave to staying up late to satisfy a work-related task. You will find space to handle the task in the morning. Seek out options in your work place and take advantage of them in your life if they fulfill your personal needs.

Don’t be timid about seeking out people in your support system. They are there to help.

Work/life balance is a continuous process that affects your mental and physical health. Examine your priorities, values, and responsibilities and don’t fear change. Change is a prerequisite to good health.

Above all, meditate: take 10 minutes out of your day – preferably the morning – to meditate and clear the mind of mindless mental activity. Peace and joy will follow.

Happy autumn!

How do you feel about autumn? What are your observation about the change of season? How do you bring balance into your life during this season? Share your thoughts and join the conversation.

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